Virtual Hackathon

ZK Identity Challenge

The challenge for developers is to develop a solution for decentralized identity verification, authentication, and access control using blockchain technology.

3rd February

Hackathon Details

Midnight’s unique ability to keep secrets on the blockchain makes it incredibly well-suited to solutions centered around digital identity. This hackathon is open to all those who want to create DApps focused on KYC (Know Your Customer) or verifying proof of identity.

Key Dates:

Registration opens: Feb 3

Kickoff Call: Feb 3

Support Call #1: Feb 12

Support Call #2: Feb 26

Registration close: Feb 28

Submissions Due: Mar 3

Project Presentation: Mar 7


1st: US$4,000

2nd: US$2,000

3rd: US$1,000

(all prizes will be awarded in $ADA equating to the US dollar value as of the date they are issued)

See the Midnight ZK Identity Hackathon Contest Official Contest Rules for more information about eligibility to participate, judging criteria and more.

Challenge Requirements

How to enter:

Entrants must build a decentralized application (DApp) that leverages ZK circuits to generate proofs for verifying aspects of a digital identity. The final submission must be a DApp that integrates both smart contracts and a user interface to meet the challenge requirements.

The DApp must:

  • Connect to a Lace Wallet: Register for a Lace wallet here:
  • Use Midnight’s Compact language to build smart contract(s) that generate zero-knowledge proofs for verifying parts of a digital identity as part of a fully functional decentralized application (DApp).
  • Include a UI alongside the smart contract(s): You may use any front-end framework or tech stack to build the UI.
  • Mock off-chain data for the purpose of this challenge.
  • Acceptable DApp types: Any DApp that verifies some aspect of digital identity. Examples include:
    • Individual identity: Verifying user age, employment status, or annual income.
    • Non-individual identity: Verifying an organization’s market cap to access a DApp or confirming an event had a certain number of participants without revealing their identities.

Resources for participants

Releases and Examples


Test Faucet

DApp Tutorial

Compact Reference Guide